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China Reportedly Gives France An Ultimatum to End The Colonial Pact in Africa

sábado, 22 de setembro de 2018

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China Reportedly Gives France An Ultimatum to End The Colonial Pact in Africa

The colonial pact (also called the regime of the Exclusive) is a trading system imposed by the European countries to their colonies in the seventeenth century and according to which the colony can only import products from the metropolis while it should export only to this one
Few people know it. But there are indeed secret agreements signed between the former French colonies and their former administrative authority, France. These agreements concern many areas, such as the military, politics, but especially economic agreements.
African countries must deposit their financial reserves with the Banque de France. Thus, France “keeps” the financial reserves of fourteen African countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, France, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.
China, which owns 40% of crude oil production in Congo, must transit through the central bank of France before bringing capital and funds to the Congo, which takes time and depreciates the Chinese currency. China no longer wants this and will be ready for a change in the relationship France – Africa
According to our sources in the Chinese government, there have been secret meetings between the Chinese and French to end the colonial pact to some former French colonies where the Chinese have the greatest interest. It would be 6 of the 14 African countries forced by France to pay the colonial tax.
Our sources reported that China has given France a five-year ultimatum to end this colonial pact with these six countries or face serious economic sanctions. France has shown no interest in putting an end to this colonial pact with the African countries concerned. Stay tuned for more information about this.
Source: Africa24,info

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