Quem quer tradução diga, para eu faze-la

Dear Honorable US Secretary of State.
I am writing this message as a citizen of Mozambique and on behalf of other millions of Mozambican, that can´t be able to write for some reasons. As it is known, Mozambique has since 1975 been governed and dominated by a Communist political party called Frelimo which has ruled the country using fake elections wrapped with frauds.
The people of Mozambique want democratic changes in Mozambique and have been participating in elections hoping that one day they could have a true winner and finally a democratic country, but that hope has always been wiped out by fraud. In Mozambique, everything is partisan. The Mozambican Army, police and other public agencies are all working under Frelimo control and in defense of Frelimo, and not in defense of the people. There is no democracy in Mozambique.
The opposition parties, like Renamo, which is not in favor of Communism is persecuted. For exemplo, Mr. Afonso Dhlakama, President of Renamo escaped from two military ambushes orchestrated by the Frelimo. Frelimo party and its leaders are intersted on assinnating Dhlakama because he speaks on behalf of the people.
We need help, please! Frelimo is a treat to the democracy, and is doing everything it can to maintain itself as the only active political party in Mozambique. Many people trying to contribute for democracy process are killed, such as the case of Professor Gilles Cistac a French citizen who was a Professor at Mozambican University and who has been killed early this year because of his opinions and ideas about decentralization of government. Renamo has fought a war against Frelimo during 16 years trying to finish a one political party system in Mozambique.
Renamo signed accord to cease hostilities in 1992 and in 1994 first democratic election was held, but Frelimo has been using Frauds since then, as a mean to maintain itself on the power. We believe that USA is a democratic country and do not support communist ideologies.
Therefore, on behalf of Mozambican people and Renamo, I am asking help, to see if US secretary of State can help us to end political crisis in Mozambique.
Best regards,
(Representação da Renamo no estrangeiro)
(Recebido por email)